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Starting a chapter

If you're an advocate for change, reach out to us about establishing a chapter at your school and spreading the cause further.

What is a chapter?

Establishing a chapter within an organization means establishing a localized branch that functions in accordance to the mission and objectives of the larger organization. This allows individual students or groups to focus on a specific area. 

A chapter within our organization presents high school students with an opportunity to ignite change and foster community engagement. Starting a chapter gives students the power to take real action, whether they are motivated by a desire to make a positive effect in school by forming a club or by working with their friends outside of school boundaries. 

How can you start a chapter?

1. If you are willing to start a chapter at your school, make sure that you are able to create a club. If you are willing to start a chapter with your friends outside of school, find a group that is willing to join you

2. Reach out to us by filling in a form if you are interested in starting a chapter. 

3. We will get back to you and have a few discussions

4. Establish a club in school/with your friends if your chapter is approved. 

5. Select roles in your club. 

6. Organize and submit all the forms required to maintain your chapter. 

7. Draft a document outlining the purpose, goals, structure, membership criteria, and operational guidelines of your chapter

8. Create an action plan (what events and fundraisers you're going to organize, whom you'll reach out to, etc.)

9. Recruit members


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